Christopher Ward has an excellent web site called Judy in London and many years ago he asked me to write something for him You will find it on his web page under “I Could Go on Singing” and entitled ‘A Break for Judy’ and my piece ‘Memories of I Could go on Singing’ I also facilitated and gave him Lorna Smith’s ‘Among My Souvenirs’ about our time in the recording studio with Judy. If any of you have not viewed it, you should, it brings back beautiful memories of the time Judy spent in London.
My son had scanned copies for me but I had trouble putting them into the book proposal--spent a frustrating four hours on Sunday--had several helpful emails from Christopher--and finally obtained inspiration from the lady at the local copy shop who suggested I use the insert button on top of word document and it worked!!! I can see Buzz, Gary and Steve rolling their eyes and Gary saying, "she should never be allowed near a computer."
Anyway I wanted to give a plug to Christopher's web page. There are many fine people in the Judy world and Christopher is one of the best. Always unassuming, keeps very much in the background, is not seen at club meetings and quietly does a great job keeping Judy's memory alive; and that is what it is all about. Thanks Chris for your friendship through the years.
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